Massachusetts Association of Colleges for Teacher Education is a public voice of educator preparation, providing vision, leadership, and professional development to support teacher educators. MACTE promotes the learning of all PK-12 students through the promotion of high quality preparation and continuing education for all school personnel.
We maintain an effective voice for educator preparation & licensure at the state level.
We are a state affiliate of the American Association of Colleges for Teacher Education (AACTE).
We run two annual statewide conferences on current topics in education & educator preparation.
MACTE Spring Conference
Friday, March 22, 2024 - holy cross
Please join us at the College of the Holy Cross on Friday, March 22, 2024! The registration fees are $135 for General Admission and $70 for Undergraduate/Graduates Students. You can register online through Eventbrite. Please know that registration fee includes lunch and refreshments at the face-to-face conference at Holy Cross. You can view the full conference program and list of speakers here!
Fall 2023 Events
MACTE’s professional development theme for the 2023-24 academic year is Teacher Recruitment and Retention. We are pleased to announce a robust series of face-to-face and virtual opportunities to network with colleagues, deepen our understanding of pressing issues, and engage with the state.
Surviving Teacher Burnout: What Can Pre-Service Programs Do?
Friday, December 8, 2023 – 9:30 AM to 11:30 AM
Register through Eventbrite:
Friday, December 8, 2023 – 9:30 AM to 11:30 AM
Register through Eventbrite:
Given crisis-level teacher shortages and the detrimental impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic on teacher well-being, it is imperative for teacher preparation programs to attend seriously to the mental health needs of their pre-service teacher candidates. Join us for an online event focused on helping pre-service teachers build the high levels of resilience they will need to combat burnout once they are in the field. Join us as we learn how to ensure our teacher candidates survive and thrive in the profession. This event is offered at no cost to members of the larger educator preparation community in Massachusetts and is sponsored by MACTE!
Dr. Kristen DiGiovanni is the Interim Associate Dean of the School of Education. She has been a practitioner in education for over 20 years, serving as an elementary teacher, administrator, and special education teacher. Dr. DiGiovanni focuses her research on social-emotional learning specifically building pre-service teacher self-efficacy and long-term resilience. Her passion and commitment to Endicott College's Teacher Preparation Program drive her to continuous program improvement through high-leverage partnerships, research-based curriculum updates, and a student-centered approach to advising and candidate interaction. Dr. DiGiovanni resides in Wilmington with her husband and two daughters, Isabella (12) and Ava (10). She loves summer reading, travel, and building long-lasting student relationships!
Dr. Rhonda Goodale has worked in schools as a teacher and psychologist, and served in many roles - from literacy coach K to 12, to educator for students with severe emotional behavior disorders, supervisor of regular education and special education teachers, as well as a supervisor of psychologists, OT, PT, and speech therapists for over thirty years. In addition, she is the chairperson of early education and care at Cambridge College, and a senior Lecturer at the University of Massachusetts, and university supervisor and lecturer at Northeastern university. She is often featured as a guest speaker on WBZ’s Nightside as an expert on a range of educational topics.
Dr. Elizabeth Stringer Keefe is Dean of Graduate and Professional Studies and Associate Professor of Graduate Teacher Education at Stonehill College in Easton, MA. Her research focuses on teacher education/teacher preparation and teacher education policy initiatives and reforms. She is the Principal Investigator of Project InSIDE: Instantiating Social Justice, Inclusivity, Democracy, and Equity in Teacher Education, examining how contemporary teacher education is preparing teachers to work constructively to address the endemic inequalities in educational opportunities and outcomes, especially those that persist between dominant and minoritized groups. Dr. Stringer Keefe has authored numerous academic articles, book chapters, and two books, including the award-winning Reclaiming Accountability in Teacher Education.